Technology is constantly changing, and with it, the workstyle of veterinary and medical clinics. But in order to capitalize on these advancements, it is important to design and adopt a functional organizational workflow.
Why is Workflow Management important in the Veterinary Industry?
Veterinarians are key players in the ecosystem of animal ownership. In this system, every moving part is interconnected. Often a practice will have vulnerabilities that vary based on individuals, leadership, and environmental factors. Recognizing these vulnerabilities is essential before taking the initiative to strengthen them.
According to a survey from July 2022, tedious administrative tasks are a primary pain point. Ewan McNeill, Director of Vetlife, a support-mechanism and life-line to many veterinarians in the UK, stated that “More than 40% of all veterinarians surveyed said that administration was their main problem, whilst 20-40% cited various other reasons, including workload and stress, along with poor income and client willingness to pay.”
What is Workflow Mapping?
This is formatting every activity into a process from the point of origin to the end result. Each node and its responsibility can then be assigned to a particular department. It helps one to understand the core and critical activities. These can then be examined to find inefficiencies or bottlenecks may be obstructing or hampering their completion. In fact, workflow mapping may be seen as the first step in overcoming performance challenges in clinics.
How to Improve System Analysis
Focus on Critical Processes
Focusing on improving core processes can lead to significant improvements in overall efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of the clinic. Without these, the hospital’s ability to meet pet needs and owner expectations at the optimal capacity would be crippled. Errors and inconsistencies in secondary functions may not be ideal, but one must understand the opportunity cost of diverting limited resources. If a manger finds themselves conflicted between the former and the latter, perhaps outsourcing should be considered.
Include your Team in the Charting Process
Assumptions about what will likely be included in the process do not encapsulate its true extent. But each member of a veterinary team, from the veterinary nurse to the technician, is specialized in their own role. To ensure that the details of the process are accurately captured, input from the entire team would be preferable. Taking input from individual employees would also emphasize that they are valued and heard. And when they are involved in the process, they are more likely to comply with the workflow stages.
Ivan Zakharenkov, CEO of Galaxy Vets, gave us a very interesting example during our recent Webinar on Mental Health in the Veterinary Community. He says: “I’d come into the hospital and ask ‘can you walk me through the check in to the check of the patients and tell me where there are opportunities in your process’, and people would immediately go ‘this is a stupid paper; we don’t need it.’, ‘we do this step and it’s nonsense; we’ve been doing it for ten years and I hate this step.’ Then we’d remove the stupid and the hate and sell them software that mimics those steps.” Really, the veterinarians themselves are aware of the “pebbles in their shoes” as Beth Davidow, CEO and Co-founder of Timberline Veterinary Emergency and Specialty, puts it.
Clarify the Domains and Responsibilities
Too frequently, veterinarians are burdened with tasks that they are not trained to perform, which distract from their primary roles. This is a central cause for Role Overload, which over time leads to burnout. The limits of each employee’s responsibility should be well-defined so that they can focus on providing care. Any work outside that category should be delegated, unless absolutely necessary. Furthermore, having such transparency will ensure that targets will be met because there is accountability.
Be as Intricate as Possible
If your workflow map looks generic enough to be applied to any veterinary clinic, then it isn’t detailed enough. Every step will have sub-steps. From comprehensive titles to sub-processes to alternative approaches, everything must be considered. Even inputs such as suppliers and equipment manufacturers to outputs should be considered. Sub-processes help break down complex processes into more manageable steps. When the individual components are isolated, informed decisions are to be made to optimize or even scale them appropriately. Troubleshooting problems can be simple when the root cause isn’t hidden under layers of vague headings.
Benefits of Workflow Management
By exploring the process, the managerial personnel can expand their knowledge about the integral processes that keep the clinic afloat. Often this can unveil new and better approaches to the task that only someone performing it would think of.
Boosting Efficiency
According to Charles Cox, a Principal at Firefly Consulting, “As people work at a job, they develop workarounds or shadow processes. Often, these workarounds are unconscious. As you research a workflow, be certain to drill down on tasks because people may not intentionally hide them and may not be aware of how they’re performing a job. When you compare the workaround to the SOP, it may be a more efficient path. And, by the way, workarounds hide even more easily in office transactions, because the activity happens and is done.”
It even makes up for discrepancies as the veterinarian and the practice manager are on the same page. Hence, the manager can develop a more complete knowledge of the causes for delays, lapses in performances, etc.
“The cost of problems grows the further
problems get from the origin”
~ Charles Cox
Nipping the Issues in the Bud
When it comes to certain problems, the impact is cumulative. Excessive workload, for example, can quickly lead to burnout and emotional exhaustion. Issues generally go unresolved either because the addressal was delayed or because they were overlooked. A thorough process walkthrough can really bring these bottlenecks to light before they escalate. Remember that a stitch in time saves nine.
Provides Clarity
A workflow map replaces speculation and assumptions with reality and accuracy. Internal strategies are more communicable within the clinic and it’s easier to address pet concerns within a system. Documented procedures for complex processes make for tedious reading material and therefore tend to be bypassed by busy vets. A workflow map can be an effective visual alternative that is easier to understand at a glance. This makes life easier for both you and auditors verifying compliance.
Identifies the “Why” before the “How”
Scott Chaiken, a Lean Program Manager at the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, expresses the need for considering the primary problem before you look for the quick fix. He says, “Before you start throwing software at [the problem], you absolutely have to understand the purpose of your proposed activity… Otherwise, as I like to say, you’re making dumb decisions at the speed of light.”
Technological “solutions” can come with their own complications. During the Webinar, Zakharenkov explained “(The sophistication of the clinical tools) creates a great opportunity for more learning but it also creates a great opportunity for more errors and with the sophistication of the equipment, the failure of the medical procedures increases as well, if you don’t deploy it properly.”
So workflow management can ensure that prior to investment in supporting infrastructure, the most efficient path is utilized. When you work with Celeritas Digital, you no longer have to worry about the burden of complicated workflow. Our team will examine your clinical structure and develop software that aligns with your precise needs. Use our Workflow Management App to determine the stages and steps that should be included in the Sheet. Then track the movement of inventory such as medication, vaccines, and medical devices. Also track the patient journey between exam rooms, labs, boarding, play areas, grooming, etc. all with the aid of one integrated app.
Contact us at and to learn more!
A Great Example Patient Intake Cycle
This patient intake cycle made by Smartsheets used different colors to highlight stages of service, from Intake and Triage to Examination and Diagnosis to Billing and Record-keeping.
How Optimized Workflow can Benefit Workers and Animals
The workflow process solidifies how the care team can meet the goal of improving veterinary service quality. Platforms such as Televet Flow smoothen out the creases via chats, voice and video calls. Using technology, a technician may be alerted of the prescription order filled out during the exam. They can then prepare the medication beforehand and have less pressure when the client comes in for pick-up.
The clinic can also employ high-density scheduling. In this alternative, the doctors are scheduled in exam rooms one after the other, with ten minutes in between. This means the client can be catered to on time, without the need for long waits. Plus, the veterinarian can attend to four times as many animals as usual.
With the help of our V-Clinic App, complex scheduling patterns can be utilized without creating confusion and dysfunction. It allows veterinary professionals to attend sessions and perform their best wherever they are.
Contact us at and to learn more!
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Thinking about how to tap a strategy opportunity, or solve a tactical business problem, using technology? We can brainstorm with you.
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